The Rules and Etiquette of the TriMuskokan
The Swim
You must wear the swim cap that we provide you. The colour identifies what wave you are in, and the colour will also help us see you in the water.
If you have a latex allergy: please bring a latex free cap to wear under the swim cap as we need the swim cap colour we give you to identify what wave you are in, and so we can see you in the water.
If you have dreadlocks or braids: you do not need to take them out, but you will need to be able to wear your swim cap (all of the hair doesn’t need to stay under the cap. The cap just needs to stay on your head for the duration of the swim.
We are going to have a rolling start. This means when you cross the timing mat and walk into the water, that is when your time starts. We will have a start line on a ramp leading into the water, and every 5 seconds we will be sending 5 people into the water.
Once you are in the water, for the short course, you have to keep the buoys on your left as you go around the first section. When you get into the river, you can swim anywhere. You just need to keep the last buoy on your left as you come into the swim exit
For the try-a-tri, there are no turns, so just get in the water and start to swim. Because you are swimming straight down the river, you can swim anywhere, you just need to keep the last buoy on your left as you come into the swim exit
Wetsuits are usually optional. However, if the water temperature is too cold, then we will let you know if it is wetsuit mandatory on race morning.
Wetsuits are also NOT Permitted if the water temperature is above 25.6C (78F).
Wetsuits are Mandatory if the water and/or air temperature is below 18C (or 64F) wetsuits will be mandatory for your safety
If you run into trouble, need help, or have a medical emergency during the swim: stop where you are and take you swim cap off and wave it in the air so you get the attention of one of our kayakers or boats. They will come to you to provide assistance. Or if you are able to get to the side of the river or swimming area, swim in that direction so that they can meet you.
Please note that when there is an emergency during the swim, our boats need may to enter the path where athletes are swimming and as such please sight regularly as you swim so you can see if you need to swim around a boat.
Please review the 2023 World Triathlon (ITU) Competition Rule Book (pg 37) for more conditions that will determine a ruling on race day.
Sometimes when the water is too cold or too hot, the distance of the swim needs to be adjusted. Here is how we make that determination
Is it wetsuit mandatory? Is it wetsuit optoinal? When is the swim cancelled and it changes to a duathlon. An hour before the race, the temperature of the water is measured at a depth of 60cm. We then get the air temparture, and we figure out if it is wetsuit required or not. The answer is that it is wetsuit mandatory if the “feels like” temperature is less than 15.9C. It is optional for:
- Youth and adults <50yo: 16C to 20C
- Adults 55yo to 60yo: 16C to 22C
- Adults >60yo: 16C to 24.6C
Above the upper limit, if the temperature is still safe based on the chart on the left, then wetsuits are not allowed.
The Bike
The bike course is “controlled” to traffic but not “closed” to traffic. A “controlled” course means vehicles may be on the course during the race. Police will stop vehicular traffic at all intersections to give cyclists the right of way. It is your responsibility to follow all traffic rules and be aware of any traffic that may be on the course.
Helmets: Helmets are compulsory and must be MIPS/ANSI/SNELL approved. Chin straps must be fastened anytime you are in possession of the bicycle. This means that before the bike is removed from the rack, your chin strap must be fastened and remain fastened until your bike is placed back on the racks.
Riding of bicycles in the transition zone is strictly prohibited at all times.
The bike can only be mounted or dismounted at the mount/dismount line outside of the Transition Zone.
Drafting of another competitor or motor vehicle is prohibited on the bike course. The draft zone surrounding each competitor measures from the front edge of the front wheel. Competitors have 15 seconds to pass through this zone when overtaking another athlete.
The drafting zone is 10m x 2m.
You must complete this pass within 15 seconds and be at least 2m (rear wheel to front wheel) ahead of the rider you just passed.
Once this distance has been cleared, safely pull back in and don’t slow down.
Cyclists should keep to the right at all times, unless passing. Alert fellow cyclists of your intention to pass by saying, “on your left”.
Riding next to someone is called blocking, and this is not permitted.
Visit the 2023 World Triathlon (ITU) Competition Rule Book (pg 55)
The Run
Once you have finished the bike and racked your bike you need to change into your run gear and head out onto the run. There will be aid stations along each run course (see below) along with KM distance markers and signage to direct you.
There will be volunteers at key intersections or turning points.
Short-course athletes need to complete two laps of the run course.
Try-a-Tri athletes need to complete one lap of the run course, and it is abbreviated compared to the short course. Watch for the turn around sign and try-a-tri athletes can turn around at that point and head back to the finish line.
The Transition
Only athletes are allowed in the transition zone. No spectators or family members.
The transition zone closes 20 minutes before the race start, so all athletes in the respective race need to be out of the transition zone at that time. For the short course, this is 7:40am. For the try-a-tri, this is 9:10am.
The transition zone opens once the last athlete is off of the bike course, which typically is around 11am.
Aid stations
On our run course there will be water and Hydra-Durance from F2C Nutrition. Please DO NOT LITTER on the course. Carry litter to the finish or drop any trash at or near an aid station.
Our event has first responders, nurses, and physicians on site and medial care can be accessed at the finish line area.
Littering is not tolerated on any part of the course from the start line through to the finish line. If you litter, you will be disqualified from the race.
Competitors may not receive assistance at any time during the race, or in the transition zone. (This excludes medical or safety assistance given by designated race volunteers or qualified staff.)
Competitors must follow the prescribed course route in all segments of the race as defined by the race organization.
It is the Competitor’s responsibility to read all supplied information given in the race kits, posted at the race site and listen to verbal announcements given by the Race Director and Race Officials.
Verbal or physical abuse of officials and race volunteers is not acceptable or tolerated.
All athletes must have their torsos covered on the bike and run portions of the event. Bib numbers must be visible on the bike and run courses.
Don’t like to read? Well, watch the video instead!
Or better yet, watch the video after you read the rules to solidify it all!